Saturday, April 01, 2006
  a new beginning

hi all!

being the new publications secretary and a member of the new band exco has given me the impetus to try and get myself involved more with the band. this blog 'nusws times' is a mini-project of mine which strives to discuss issues within the band, as well as being a 'diary' of sorts, so that in future when we look back, we can see all that has happened and hopefully take lessons from them.

all comments are appreciated and hopefully nusws will go from strength to strength, and be a highlight of our university lives.
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a commentary of my time in NUSWS. this blog is not intended as the official voice of NUSWS or NUS. just a member giving his views on the going ons in the band. some of the comments may not be pretty, but discussions are encouraged so that we can further improve the band. if there is any band matter you want to bring up to the exco or put in this blog, feel free to contact me or leave a comment. until then, take care!

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